Each community Medical Access foundation will provide a medical saving plan and a corresponding account card to each member. The savings plan is set up on enrollment. The average patients will make a deposit of $250 to $300 per month. The deposit and the amount in savings will be selected by the patient but patients will be best served to have $75 to $100 per month in excess of the primary care fee and the risk pool fee.
Patients will select a savings rate based on their own projected needs. Most will choose a savings of $50 to 100 per month. This money could be used for medication, supplements, lab-work, X-ray, or medical equipment, or for the deductible if the patient had to use the ER or be hospitalized, etc.
Savings funds could be used at any doctor, dentist, pharmacy, or health food store or for medical products off the Internet. The patient Medical Saving Account is intended for use for such problems as minor injuries, i.e. lacerations or sprains or for after hours office care. It is also available for drug coverage and laboratory work as needed. Savings are adjustable at the patient’s preference. The patient can choose savings amounts from $50, $75, $100 or more. Less than $50 would not be allowed unless adequate funds are present to satisfy the hospitalization deductible of $500.

The medical savings plan would not be usable for non-medical purposes. If the fund builds up to a higher level than necessary (i.e. $2000) the patient could use it for cosmetic procedures, such as mole removal or for exercise programs, smoking cessation programs acupuncture etc. If the fund built up enough, such as $3000, the patient could get a reduction in rate or a refund.